Treatment For Heroin Abuse - You Can Be Renewed

Heroin Addiction - Who Gets Treated?

Alone? Ways To Avoid Relapse After Heroin Addiction Treatment

It’s a new year, but now that you’re sober after your heroin abuse treatment, you feel more alone than ever. How are you going to get through this without resorting to heroin again?

Here are healthy ways to cope up with the feeling of solitude after your heroin addiction cure:

  • Embrace the feeling.

Oftentimes, when you feel something negative, you tend to neglect it. However, the effects are more serious when you deny it. Acknowledge your loneliness and know that it is okay to feel sad sometimes.

Know that it is not permanent. You need to reassure yourself that happiness comes from within and not from other people. After your heroin addiction treatment, feeling alone is one of the post-acute withdrawal symptoms that you’ll likely experience.

  • Reach out.

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” A few days or weeks after your heroin drug abuse treatment, you need to go out of your shell and reach out to other people.

Start with your inner circle: family members, relatives and close friends. You can also find other friends in various support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Don’t savor your loneliness, instead, find new ways to reconnect. However, don’t reach out to old heroin-user friends. Try to be friendly with sober people, those who can support your sobriety and make you feel happy.

  • Be resourceful.

You don’t have to make your world smaller by confining yourself. Instead, after your heroin addiction treatment, try other means of spending your time.

You may enjoy a few trips to the movie house, watch a play or learn to play a  new musical instrument. Whatever it is that you want or interest you, pursue it. You’ll see that feeling alone is just in your mind.

  • Help others.

Find new ways of sharing your time and self to others by joining civic and social groups in your community following your heroin abuse treatment. Helping others is also one way to spend time creatively without focusing on your loneliness. You improve your self-worth and self-confidence too.

  • Believe that it will pass.

Nothing is permanent and even loneliness is just temporary after your heroin addiction treatment. A stint in the rehab doesn’t mean that all the symptoms of addiction are gone. Feeling lonely is part of the process.

Give yourself a chance to get better. It will pass. What you’re feeling would be over after some time.

  • Try music.

Do you love to sing? Why don’t you sing your favorite songs? Listen to music, it is one way to relax and calm your mind.

Music is one therapy that is implemented in the treatment for heroin addiction. It can cure loneliness and makes you feel revived. Singing is one definite way to cure your loneliness after a period of heroin substance abuse treatment.